Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1759.11.03

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Index Entry Burden, Over the Hills and far away, of lyric [beg] To all those youths 
Location Charleston 
1-3 Nov 1759:13 (1315)
The following SONG, written extempore, upon reading one
published in the paper called, Supplement to the South-
Carolina Weekly Gazette, No. 49 (by a Volunteer in the Army)
is just come to hand.
  To all those youths, whose noble hearts
  From all things dear in Charles-Town parts:
  Out country calls, and we'll obey, 
  Over the hills and far away.
  'Tis L[------]n that doth command, 
  Then come, my sons, with swords in hand;
  With him we'll fight, with him we'll stray;
  Over the hills and far away.
. . . [7 verses with burden, "Our Governor doth now command,
&c." follow]

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1759.11.03 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1759 
Bibliography B0046863
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